This website is dedicated to OM Gerhard Schurr, DH2SAA († 2011) and the morse keys he made. Master Schurr was one of the best known and most excellent Morse key manufacturers in Germany and worldwide between the late 1980s and early 2000s. His keys were handmade by him, without the help of CNC machines. The precision achieved was world class, at least with the Profi models.
Schurr keys are still extremely popular and sometimes achieve prices that are well above the original price. And rightly so. These keys will never be available again, even if the two successors Stefan Bergsiek and Uli Scheunemann build follow-up models of outstanding quality. On this page I publish the models, which carry the logo “Schurr Morsetasten – handmade in Germany” or an appropriate variant of this logo. Furthermore, I show keys without logo or lettering (including prototypes), but due to the age or the call sign undoubtedly master Schurr can be assigned. On the underside most of my Schurr keys carry the address sticker of Gerhard Schurr. Possibly newer copies of the keys were already built by the potential successors and still carry the original Schurr logo, I currently lack further information.
The keys are as I got them or how the condition is just straight through use or non-use. One does not restore a Schurr key, it is treated by the owner with care anyway. That’s what I’m expecting.
I wish all friends of the Schurr-Morsetasten a lot of fun and maybe also the gain of new knowledge while watching my very extensive Schurr key collection. For additional information and constructive criticism or the discovery of errors I am always grateful.
73 !
Markus, DL1DSN